Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Cloud computing - Method 3

⤘The ability to share documents with anyone that you wish and allow them to edit them is extremely handy and cost effective.   This, in many instances, would work much better than using a wiki.   It would appear that Microsoft will have to come up with a worthy competitor to Google Docs and Zoho.    For most of the population a suite of Office like products with word processing and spreadsheet capabilities is about all they would need.   Even many businesses, it would seem, would not need to rely on purchasing new versions of Microsoft Office products. 


Not being technologically savvy as most, questions do arise:


⤘   How will Google and other companies support the free access to these shared items?

⤘   Will there eventually be limits on how far back or how much can be stored in these platforms?

⤘   An individual and person guiding an individual in these tools will have to be careful not to

      share sensitive information that might impact negatively their relations with an employer or

      future employer or even any other type of organization they might be involved with.

⤘   What kind of implications will arise when Google and other companies have access to 

       possibly sensitive information and use it for marketing research, etc.?

 ⤘   Sharing information with a teacher or a classroom will be extremely simple, but what

       happens when the information is compromised in some way? The network is down for a

       few days or does not get backed up.  Are these even realistic issues?

⤘    The role of the library as a fact checker will be greatly expanded.   The nature of school

       assignments could easily change as other students may have the responsibility of cross-

       checking a group project.  


Attached are some comparisons I found comparing Zoho and Google documents.



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